I recently got a subscription to Porter magazine, and TBH with you it's not because I'm a dedicated fan to all things Porter, even though I would be if I had the budget to buy a £2633 Versace dress, but because I couldn't justify spending over £6 on one magazine (the subscription worked out about three quid per issue). Having said that, The Winter Escape issue 6 was a soul nourishing read I was not expecting. With Articles such as Women of Spirit - including women who have triumphed over adversity such as Monica Lewinsky - who is now emerging after 16 years of obscurity...who can forget that story? If you want some inspiration to conquer mountains, this magazine has got it!
Now this might sound contradictory to what I said just before but I also recently purchased another magazine for (ahemAhem) £6 called Magnify. But there is no other magazine in the world like Magnify - it is a faith based magazine which is fashion-forward, empowering, and a pleasure to read. I'm LOLin the article on page 13 'That's Not a Compliment' about misguided compliments - They say: "You look amazing on Instagram. You photograph really well." What we hear: Which filter did you use? What we want to hear: The sound of your fingers tapping away at that touchscreen liking every photo of our gorgeous face.
Issue 1 is available at www.hellomagnify.com
Guess who's on the frontcover of ElleUK January 2015
....And God Created Kim Kardashian...#snm
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