It doesn't matter who you are: rich or poor, young or old, educated or not. You were made for a purpose.
Do you feel you were dealt a "bad hand" in life? Or see your story as one of victimization or victory? Or Have you given up and decided the cards you have been given are not a winning hand? Are you tired of picking yourself up after every failure?
I confess, I have been there. There have been countless times when the things I wanted didn't happen how and when I wanted them. I now realise if I had all I had hoped for, I wouldn't have developed a compassion and empathy for others. I wouldn't have a passion to want to achieve excellence. Sometimes we think we have it all mapped out and get caught chasing the dreams of others or what society says is successful but as was the case with myself, God humbled me, and i realised my purpose is found in him.
Have you heard the saying "God does not call the equipped, but rather he equips those whom he calls". We can take great comfort in knowing that God does use the foolish and often unlikely people to shame the wise.
David stood before Goliath with only a sling in his hand and shouted with confidence: "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty..." (1 Samuel 17:45-46) God used David.
Peter, a fisherman working his nets, was Jesus' choice to become a fisher of men and to lead his church. and God used Peter.
Paul, a well educated Pharisee, challenged the Roman Empire from a prison cell with nothing more than words and a pen. God used Paul too.
Gods plan does not rely on our greatness but rather on his. WE MUST SIMPLY BE WILLING TO BE USED. No Goliath is mightier than the God we serve.
For more information read the book "Unfinished"
I would love to hear your stories and testimonies!
Until next time...
Blessings x
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