I need Jesus in my life! His presence (the Holy Spirit) is indescribable. The Greatest Love you can experience. I am but a sinner, but strive to follow God, and pray for his forgiveness all the time.
How great is his love, he never gives up on me!..yes I love me some worship...
Click the link below!
All Glory To God song
Sometimes we need to refocus on what God wants rather than our own desires because Gods ways are much more better than our own, you can't argue with GOD as you will always be the foolish one. Can you imagine!
I have previously prayed about past hurts which God, praise his Holy name, has healed me from, but you can sometimes get setbacks which are like healing wounds being reopened again. We can go on like everything is great in our lives, but when the Holy Spirit is upon you, you cannot hide any hurts that we have learned to successfully conceal from others. All is revealed, but in a good way. In a loving way. In my case, this involves uncontrollable sobbing, followed by a tangible feeling of love.
With the Lords grace you can overcome. I really must have more faith. No, I wont feel sorry for myself anymore...dammit! God is always Right!
Lord Please forgive me for judging others. Please forgive me for expecting others to be the way I want them to be, knowing that I also fall short of being perfect. Thank you for your forgiveness.
Until next time!
Stay Blessed x
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