Last year we had Gravity, this year it's Interstellar. Interstellar take us on a trip to outer space, with plenty of mental and visual stimulation to inspire the senses.
A must-see movie!
If you've seen Interstellar than have a listen to Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson discuss the movie...He makes astronomy sound so sexy!
There is a great blog at The Science Museum that explains all the Astronomy stuff! Click this link on The Science of Interstellar for more information on Blackholes, Time Relativity, and Gravity - you never know it could inspire you to want to become a space explorer!
There is a great blog at The Science Museum that explains all the Astronomy stuff! Click this link on The Science of Interstellar for more information on Blackholes, Time Relativity, and Gravity - you never know it could inspire you to want to become a space explorer!
Real Life Astronauts
Talking about space exploration, from living in a mud hut to orbiting the earth, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin manned the first spaceflight, just over 50 years ago April 12th 1961, when he flew aboard the Vostok I spacecraft, orbiting the Earth and returning safely after a journey of 108 minutes.
Yuri Gagarin |
Dr. Mae Jemison was the first African American woman in space.
Mae Jemison is one of the leaders behind the 100 Year Starship project that aims to make interstellar travel (traveling beyond our solar system) possible within the next 100 years. She is also the first real astronaut to appear on Star Trek (TheNextGeneration season 6, ep. 24, if you’re interested).
Is Science different to Art? Mae Jemison argues and that the difference is not analytical versus intuitive. Check it out here! Mae Jemison is one of the leaders behind the 100 Year Starship project that aims to make interstellar travel (traveling beyond our solar system) possible within the next 100 years. She is also the first real astronaut to appear on Star Trek (TheNextGeneration season 6, ep. 24, if you’re interested).
Mae Jemison |
Kennedy Space Centre |
Interesting Space Facts
- Nearest star to us - The Alpha Centauri system - is 25 trillion miles away equal to 4.2 light years
- It take 8 mins for light from the sun to reach us
- The Voyager satellite launched into space in 1977 travelling at 35,000 m/ph and will take 70,000 years to to get to the closest neighbouring star.
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